Fall Photo
Contest 2024
This is your chance to show off your photography skills, while also helping exhibit Southeast Kansas & Southwest Missouri agriculture!
We want to see your best photos from this summer and fall!
Livestock, harvest, equipment or even PCA!
Contest will be open November 12th - December 12th.
COntest Guidelines:
Contest will be open for submissions November 12th - December 12th.
Include name, date, location & subject of photo.
Submissions must be from within our service territory.
By submitting your photos, you are granting PCA the permission to use them for promotional use.
Unlimited submissions, but only one prize may be given per person.
No AI photos will be accepted.

Voting will take place on our Facebook page.
Each photo will be posted individually into the photo contest folder.
Votes will be counted as follows:
Like = 1 vote
Comment = 5 votes
Share = 10 votes
*Likes, comments & shares must be on the original photo of the PCA post.*
After voting ends, the top three (3) will be counted and placed 1-3.
1st place receives $100 cash
2nd place receives $50 cash
3rd place receives $25 cash
*Limit one prize per person*